The 'new look' Paddy Maguires in Subiaco is having us on the bill again for the month of November. Come on down and check out the craic.....
The 'new look' Paddy Maguires in Subiaco is having us on the bill again for the month of November. Come on down and check out the craic.....
A brief transcription of the instrumental sections from the Waterboys song "A Man Is In Love", for anyone looking to learn the tune in the middle.
Twas a good crowd yesterday at Paddies, we tried out a few new songs, a few requests and Charlie tried a new slot in the show, the "Comedy Slot", which went down like a lead baloon. It was the joke about the courdroy pillows, and how they are making headlines.....Hilarious right? Well, the punters didnt think so, so we decided to retire that part of the act.
Marie, Ger and Liam enjoying a pint whilst we wait for the Scotland v Argentina to finish
Good fun all round, bit of a wierd gig, we had to sing happy birthday to Arthur Guinness at 17:59, which we heard about at 18:02 bu the grumpiest bar manager this side of Grumpsivlle, capitol of Grumpsilvania but other than that it was a good gig at Lakers, nice punters, appreciative crowd, a few dancers and a bouncer that stopped us going back in to get our gear, all in all a pretty normal night.
The great bard of perth takes a break from his customary half time cider for a throat soothing honey and lemon tea.